Video Strategy & Production

Hello! Time for some consultancy

Right now,
you're doing video the hard way

If any of these applies to you, we completely understand, and we can definitely help:-

You did some video,
it only got 300 views and you don't know why

Someone in your marketing department is pointing their phone at something, and pressing the big red 'Record' button.
This is how you end up with a video strategy of ‘Let’s just make a video and fling it onto our socials and hope for the best’.
Is there any other area of business in which you use such a careless approach?
Probably not.  That’s why it doesn’t work.
(Video doesn’t magically take care of itself.)

You spent a fortune on a 'brand story'

You poured a lot of time, effort and money into a corporate video.  It was all exciting and the crew were really nice.  The finished result looked wonderful.  So how come hardly anyone watched it?  How come you didn’t get much or any new business from it?
(There’s a honking big reason why these brand stories don’t work.)

You have a massive video budget and rely on an agency / production company to plan your content for you

Sometimes they hit the jackpot, sometimes they don’t, and you really don’t understand why. 
It’s because videos need a producer, someone to see the whole process from concept to delivery, and all with the audience in mind. 
(As the client, YOU need to be the video producer.)

You're not really doing video at all

If you keep kicking video into the long grass, you’re going to find that your competition gets your audience. 
They become everyone’s go-to. 
They hoover up the new business. 
They look more modern than you do.
And they get to control the narrative in your industry.
(If you’re late to the video party, you’ll always be the also-ran. 
You could have a far smaller audience, far less business, and can never change that.)

This is defining moment for your brand

Do video well and it could be the single biggest contributor to your future business security, growth and profitability.

However, video is a MINEFIELD

We get it.  Video makes you nervous.
Do video badly, and it can be disastrous.
You can make yourself look foolish.
You can harm your brand.
You can innocently post a video with unintended consequences.
(Nothing goes viral faster than a bad video.)

But robust growth comes from utilizing ALL the marketing tools. 
That includes video. 
We’ll help.

Peace of mind

Every morsel of information we give you will be useful and useable.

We’ll show you:-

how to analyse your video audience in detail, so you’ll know exactly what content they like,
how best to represent your company or products to that audience,
how to construct videos in a way that will grab your audience’s attention and hold it effortlessly,
how to make videos that will convert that attention into new business,
and blast through a few myths and bad habits so you can give those a swerve.

We’ll work with you on a plan that will clobber your competition with videos that simply work.

This is quite normal for us

We’re really friendly

But we don’t offer woolly generalised advice
and we don’t talk in ridiculous management-speak.
Give us a break.  We’re video producers.
What we do is give banging business strategy that forms an action plan you can use immediately, benefit from immediately. 
Use it to earn more money.  And save money. 
It will open your eyes to what a video campaign actually needs,
and the know-how and confidence to do it. 

Thinking of staff?

We can also advise you on how to staff or outsource your video productions, if that’s the direction you’re going in.
Get videographer and video producer mixed up?  Think they’re interchangeable?  Oops.  No.
Without realising it, you probably go looking for end-to-end filmmaking,
which is rarely successful.
Don’t know what we’re talking about?  That’s a problem, isn’t it? 
If you’re not making the videos yourself, you need a firm grasp on exactly what it is you’re asking other people to do.  It’s fine.  We’ll take you through it all and get things set up right.

Out on your own?

Having sole responsibility for your entire business as well as all the marketing is a big ask of anyone. 
And the time, money and effort you could waste making videos that no-one watches can severely impact your profile and profitability.
In a short session or two, we can completely turn around your understanding of the whole subject of video making and audience building.
We’ll make the learning process logical and clear. 
You’ll be able to build a video plan that will work for you. 

Whatever your video needs,
we’ll be by your side

Seize the chance before we’re working for your competition.